April 29th, 2017
Franklin Square Park to the Inner Harbor Amphitheater via the Creek Walk (11:00am-2:00pm)
Join the march on facebook! Join the march by email! Make a contribution!
Why we’re marching:
There is no denying it:
This new administration is attacking the hard-won protections of our climate, health, and communities, and the rights of people of color, workers, indigenous people, immigrants, women, LGBTQIA, young people, the struggles for justice and peace, and more.
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If the policies proposed are implemented, they will destroy our climate, decimate our jobs and livelihoods, and undermine the civil rights and liberties won in many hard fought battles.
It’s up to us to stop that from happening before it starts and it’s up to us to show the world that we want to see progress in achieving a clean energy and a clean environment plan.
Our fights are tied together, and we will only succeed together. That’s why, from now on, we will be standing up for everything and everyone we love — and we are calling on everyone to join us on April 29th; for a massive march to bring our demands to the streets all around the nation.
We’re ready to fight back, and we are ready to build a resistance to attacks on our climate, our communities, and our jobs that stands alongside the unprecedented Women’s Marches and other powerful rallies that shook the globe.
On April 29th, we will march for our families. We will march for our air, our water, and our land. We will march for clean energy jobs and climate justice. We will march for our communities, the people we love, and for peace.
In 2014, we said that it takes everyone to change everything. Now, with everything at stake, everyone has a part to play.
Our Platform:
Though there are many aspects of Climate Change that need to be addressed, members from the CCAA have agreed to support and have adopted the platform created by the People’s Climate Movement in Washington D.C., for our sister march taking place in Central New York.
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- Directly and rapidly reduce greenhouse gas and toxic pollution to successfully combat climate change and improve public health
- Mandate a transition to an equitable and sustainable New Energy and Economic Future that limits the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels
- Provide a Just Transition for communities and workers negatively impacted by the shift to a New Energy and Economic Future that includes targeted economic opportunity and provides stable income, health care, and education
- Demand that every job pays a wage of at least $15 an hour, protects workers, and provides a good standard of living, pathways out of poverty, and a right to organize
- Ensure that investments are targeted to create pathways for low-income people and people of color to access good jobs and improve the lives of communities of color, indigenous peoples, low-income people, small farmers, women, and workers.
- Make bold investments in the resilience of states, cities, tribes, and communities that are threatened by climate change; including massive investments in infrastructure systems from water, transportation, and solid waste to the electrical grid and safe, green building and increasing energy efficiency that will also create millions of jobs in the public and private sector
- Reinvest in a domestic industrial base that drives towards an equitable and sustainable New Energy and Economic Future, and fight back against the corporate trade-induced global race to the bottom
- Market- and policy-based mechanisms must protect human rights and critical, native ecosystems and reduce pollution at source
Location, Map, Transport, Parking and More:
Gather with us at 11:00 a.m. in Franklin Square Park, Syracuse, NY 13204. We will march from there to the Inner Harbor Amphitheater, W. Kirkpatrick St., Syracuse, NY 13204, where we will rally from noon to 2:00 p.m.
The total march distance is a little under 3/4 of a mile. We will march along the Onondaga Creekwalk for most of the way. Our route is wheelchair, stroller, and wagon friendly. Accessibility parking will be available at the Inner Harbor Amphitheater Parking lot!
CCAA encourages attendees to seek low-carbon transportation to the event:
- Plan your walk, cycle, or bus route using Google Maps (that’s right, Centro bus schedules are now on Google Maps!). Cyclists are welcome to walk with their bikes during the march.
- Fill your vehicle or find a ride using our event carpool page*
Looking for the designated parking spots? Head towards the March start (Franklin Square, Syracuse, NY 13204) or the rally point (Inner Harbor Amphitheater W Kirkpatrick St, Syracuse, NY 13204) and you will be directed by volunteers to the appropriate parking locations!
DestinyUSA parking is a short distance away and is connected to the Creekwalk should parking immediately close to the site fill up (or you want more of a walk!).
Click here to read more about transportation and parking for the event.
* We set up this carpool page for the event due to strong demand. Drivers and riders are responsible for their own safety.
Thanks to all of our sponsors who have contributed this event.
Atmosphere Level Sponsors:
Terrestrial Level Sponsors:
Martha Viglietta (Manlius, NY)
Marine Level Sponsors:
Clean Communities of Central New York
Pterapod Level Sponsors:
People for Animal Rights of CNY
Fenner Renewable Energy Education Center
Peter Wirth (Fayetteville, NY)
If you or your organization would like to help us by sponsoring this event or partnering with us, click here to contact us! We’ll be in contact with you shortly with details of how you can help.
Social Media:
Join our event and invite your friends on Facebook!
If you don’t have a Facebook, you can also RSVP or share our event by going here! Action Network: People’s Climate March- CNY
Use the Hashtag #climatemarchcny or #peoplesclimatecny to follow along and use them to make it a trending topic!
Where else can you find cool content about our event? Check out one of these many social media sites that we’ll be posting updates about the People’s Climate March- CNY and more!
Speakers/Music/Tables and more!
- David Alicea Upstate Senior Organizing Representative for the Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign
- Dr. Jamie S. Bodenlos, Associate Professor in Psychology at Hobart and William Smith Colleges
- Dr. Colin Beier, Associate Professor of Ecology, Department of Forest & Natural Resources Management at SUNY ESF
- Peter F. Cannavò, Associate Professor of Government and Director of Environmental Studies, Hamilton College
- Ethan Bodnaruk-Citizen’s Climate Lobby and Religions for Peace
- David Driesen a Professor at Syracuse University College of Law on behalf of CNY Solidarity Coalition
- Elizabeth Grace Ferguson- High School Senior at Tully High School
- Dick Degraff – Owner of Grindstone Farms
- Chris Carrick, Energy Program Manager- Representing the Central New York Regional Planning and Development Board
- Marie Sansone- Syracuse Native and former Acting Director for the District of Columbia’s Environmental Health Administration
- Peter Wirth-Community Member and CCAA Member
- Jessica Maxwell-Board Member for the Alliance for a Green Economy (AGREE)
- Susanne Farrington- Community Member and Amateur Poet
- Freida Jacques- Onondaga Nation’s Turtle Clan Mother
- Featured Artist: Colleen Kattau
- Riverstone Trio
- Dream Freedom Resistance
Food Trucks:
- Salt City Food Truck
- That’s What’s Up!
- Alchemical Nursery
- Alliance for a Green Economy
- Apex Solar
- Bike CNY
- Citizen’s Campaign for the Environment
- Citizen’s Climate Lobby
- Clean Communities of CNY
- CNY Solidarity
- CNYSolar
- Fenner Renewable Energy Education Center
- Halco Energy
- Neighbors of the Onondaga Nation (Noon)
- Nickels Energy Solutions
- NY-Geo
- Onondaga Earth Corps
- Renissance HVAC
- Sierra Club – Beyond Coal
- SolarizeCNY
- Syracuse Cultural Workers
How can I or my organization get involved?
We’re looking for volunteers for this event! Help us make this event run smoothly.
If you’re interested in volunteering, Click here to contact us! We’ll be in contact with you shortly with details of how you can help.
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