Volume 6, Issue 9 November 2024
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Submitted by George Lorefice
Image provided by Roseann Lorefice
The elections are over! The environment and the movement to address climate change most likely have suffered a setback!
It was hard to think about this message before election results were in because the direction of the U.S. in responding to climate change is dependent on the outcome. And now, it is clear that our mission will be more difficult to fulfill and much more effort will be needed without environmentally positioned elected officials in place, at least at the federal level. We need to keep the flame alive for our children and grandchildren. States like New York, California, Washington, etc. will hopefully be bastions of good environmental policy. We will be the refugia for the environment.
On another note, during my unavoidable carbon intense travels, I found a bright spot in Greece. Almost every roof top in Athens and several of the islands were festooned with hot water solar panels. Unlike photovoltaic panels, these panels do not produce electricity but heat water directly with no need for high tech materials. This is a great solution that is added to the list of carbon reducing measures that can be applied right now (Note that in Mexico, I saw this technology 40 years ago!). Wake up California, Arizona, Nevada, etc.!
Check out our exciting presentation schedule with Renewable Energy, Efficiency, Sustainability on November 12th, Sustainable Strategies in Architecture December 10th and Clean Transportation Opportunities on January 14th. These presentations are linked to the CCAA Carbon Challenge program showcasing ways to reduce our carbon footprint.
Also, we still need help in the organization, so please step up to the plate!
It seems like only yesterday that COP 28 was taking place in Dubai and our CCAA member Dr. Kim Cameron was reporting in a daily blog to us and later making a presentation to our membership. Now, get ready for COP 29.
The Government of Azerbaijan will host the 29th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP 29), with a view to building on previous successes and paving the way for future ambition to effectively tackle the global challenge of climate change.The conference will take place from Monday, November 11, to Friday, November 22, 2024 in Baku, Azerbaijan.
The fixed objective as stated by the organizers is announced as follows: “We all have a moral duty to avoid overshooting the 1.5°C temperature target. But the window of opportunity is closing, and we must focus on the need to invest today to save tomorrow. Our fixed priority is delivering deep, rapid and sustained emission reductions now to keep temperatures under control and stay below 1.5°C, while leaving no one behind.”
Image provided by info@arcosnetwork.com
The COP29 Presidency’s plan is based on two mutually reinforcing parallel pillars. The first pillar — to “enhance ambition” — combines key elements to ensure all parties commit to ambitious national plans and transparency. The second pillar — to “enable action” — reflects the critical role of finance, a key tool to turn ambition into action and reduce emissions, adapt to climate change and address loss and damage.
The COP29 Presidency is listening to and engaging with a broad range of international stakeholders. It is working to ensure everyone’s voices are heard and perspectives are considered and included so that as stated…” we deliver inclusive outcomes based on shared solutions. We are optimistic that together we can make real progress.”
For continued updated information, check the Government of Azerbaijan Presidency website HERE.
Environmental Advocates Relaunch Campaign to Pass the NY HEAT Act.
A coalition of nearly 250 environmental and community groups released a letter last week calling on New York Gov. Kathy Hochul to cap low-income residents’ energy bills. The letter also asks the state to reduce fossil fuel use by ending a policy that requires ratepayers to subsidize the cost for gas companies to expand gas pipelines.
Those were both elements of a previous piece of legislation called the New York HEAT Act. Parts of the bill received support from Hochul and the state Legislature during the last legislative session, but it ultimately failed to pass.
Image provided by www.wikipedia.com
Biden Announces $3 Billion to Make Ports Greener. President Joe Biden announced the funding to boost climate-friendly equipment and infrastructure at ports across the country including Baltimore, where a bridge collapse in March killed six construction workers and disrupted East Coast shipping routes for months.
Climate: What Should We Be Doing and Advocating?
We are CCAA. What should we be and do? Here are my thoughts:
The idea of “better or worse”, rather than “right or wrong”, and all that comes with it is particularly relevant as here in NY, the state having already “taken sides”. It has already decided the right and wrong of climate change.
It is left to us to advocate and explain that without implementing the CLCPA we will not keep up with a new economy, will have higher energy prices, dirtier air, more disease, and miss out on the new jobs created. We need to tell and be part of that ‘story’.
I believe that story needs to be presented to younger people, in the schools, colleges and universities here is central New York. I also believe we should search for similar groups trying to do similar things in other places in Central New York: Rochester, Albany, Binghamton, Ithaca, Plattsburgh. Places in upstate NY. Places with colleges and universities, young people, a central city, suburbs and exurbs. Places with young people, immigrants, innovation, and hope. Places with undeniable climate impacts.
We will find in those places, fear of the future, of change, fear of dislocations and loss of control. Certainly too, in those places we will find political and economic pushback by incumbent parties, utilities, and economic interests.
Let’s find out what similar groups in those places are doing to advance the cause of climate change awareness and action. Let’s share what we are doing and find best practices.
My two cents…. I’d like members of CCAA to respond to this and let me know your thoughts. (newsletter@climatechange-action.com)
Update: Citizen Action NY
Speak Up for Clean Energy: Join the Citizen Action Story Project
Citizen Action is highlighting the voices of people who want to see equitable and affordable clean energy heating and cooling in their apartments or homes, alongside stories from people who are already enjoying the benefits of heat pumps/clean energy heating and cooling in their homes or apartments.
We’re looking for brief stories from people who:
- Believe New York State should make heat pumps and clean energy more affordable and accessible to all
- Want to transition their homes to heat pumps or other energy-efficient upgrades to save money and help the environment
- Love their heat pump and want to share why they made the switch and how it’s improving their life
If you can offer 15 minutes of your time to help, let Ethan know when it works for you, either in person or over Zoom, throughout November.
Email: egormley@citizenactionny.org for more information on this project or for Citizen Action and New York Renews’ climate justice agenda heading into 2025.
Say No to National Grid Rate Hikes; Say Yes to Climate Justice
National Grid is trying to increase energy bills for upstate NY customers by $30 or more for the average household.
Meanwhile, National Grid’s CEO received a salary of $8 million last year, and the company is continuing to reap massive profits. It is unreasonable to ask ratepayers to shoulder the financial burden while National Grid benefits. Even more concerning is the fact that these proposed rate hikes would fund nearly $2 billion in gas infrastructure investments, the very fossil fuel systems that pollute our communities and exacerbate the climate crisis.
Add your name to stand with Citizen Action and our allies in fighting against these rate hikes and further investment in fossil fuel infrastructure: https://forms.gle/qAjgoFbHqa83ppyJA.
For more information or for how to get involved, contact Ethan at egormley@citizenactionny.org
Environmental Groups Take Action
Combatting Stream Erosion
On October 26, 2024, the Manlius Watershed Stewards planted tree cuttings for riparian stabilization at the base of Three Falls Woods, on flood management lands owned by the Village of Manlius. The sporadic stream that flows through the Three Falls Woods Critical Environmental Area has eroded its banks in several places. The trees are salix sericea, a native willow and cornus sericea, a native dogwood with white flowers and berries.
The Onondaga County Soil and Water District evaluated the site, set flags to instruct the volunteers regarding placement and provided 200 tree cuttings to be planted. The Watershed Stewards were joined by volunteers from SUNY ESF and Scout Troop 152 as well as community volunteers.
Image Provided by Sara Bollinger and Mary O’Reilly
Middle School Students Test Limestone Creek
Mill Run Park in the Village of Manlius was host to 22 students from an Environmental Studies class at H.W. Smith School one sunny day in October. The students split into groups and examined Limestone Creek as it flowed through the park to test water chemistry, describe the environment, take measurements and identify aquatic plants.
Groups of students were able to wade into the creek to collect and identify microorganisms that indicate the health of the water. The program included donating boots, nets and equipment to the school so that that other science classes may engage in projects closer to home.
Partners included the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation, Onondaga Environmental Institute, Upstate Freshwater Institute, Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center, Syracuse City School District, in addition to Rochester Institute of Technology staff who led the event, and with DEC/Cornell Water Resources Institute sponsorship.
Manlius resident George Lorefice commented: “It was interesting to see the students view Limestone Creek in a different light than just water flowing over rocks. They got to take the temperature of the water, describe the structures around and in the water, collect bugs hiding under the rocks and ponder what in the environment affects the water temperature as it flows downstream. They also had fun splashing in the water!”
The Manlius Watershed Stewards were pleased to participate in this important educational activity.
Professor Ian Shapiro, founder of Tatem Engineering in Ithaca, NY and a professor at Syracuse University’s School of Engineering, has received a grant from the U. S. Department of Energy to study air sourced heat pumps.
His students recently visited the Fayetteville home of Peter Wirth, co-founder of Climate Change Awareness and Action. Peter’s house was used both as a test site for his heat pump and as a case study for the engineering students. Professor Shapiro’s research is focused on “best practices” that will help increase the efficiency of heat pumps. His students will be the next generation of HVAC engineers.
Image provided by Peter Wirth
Editor’s Note: Do you already have a heat pump in your home? Ethan Gormley, a climate organizer with Citizen Action of New York, is putting together a collection of very brief interviews (around three minutes once edited down) to share stories about why people love their heat pumps and have taken steps to electrify their homes. If you would like to participate, contact Ethan at egormley@citizenactionny.org.
Tackling Climate Change One Project at a Time
Sierra Club’s Coal Campaign has reported very positive results. The statistics are very positive both for human health improvements and transition options to wind and solar. It is notable that the health impacts of this equate equally with national bans on smoking, which showed immediate drops in lung cancer, asthma, and death.
The link for the campaign is coal.sierraclub.org and actions include anti-fracking and pipelines. This is an opportunity for CCAA members to support an already well established and successful campaign rather than reinventing the wheel.
Editor’s Note: This contributor and family have spent a lot of time in Kentucky and attests to the fact that the coal industry there and in West Virginia definitely affected the local population and the transition off it.
Board Meeting 10/06/2024
Discussion on status of incorporation and future action regarding 501-c3 or 501-c4 (Update: we have received incorporation from the state!)
Updates on scheduled monthly member meetings
Girl Scout request for CCAA presentation
Continued discussion on logo for CCAA t shirt
Continued recruitment for help for CCAA (Treasurer, Secretary, help with tech issues)
Discussion on the future of CCAA…what have we done that was successful, what role should we play for our members. Many new ideas surfaced. To be continued.
ORGANIZATION: Onondaga Resource Recovery Agency
EVENT: Pumpkin Drop-off
WHEN: November 1 – 23, 2024
TIME: 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Amboy Compost Sites, 6296 Airport Road, Camillus and Jamesville Compost Site, 4370 Rt. 91, Jamesville
Info: https://tinyurl.com/43fa9sr2
ORGANIZATION: SUNY ESF, Upstate NY and S.U. Center of Excellence
EVENT: 23rd NYS Green Building Conference
WHEN: March 27 – 28, 2025
LOCATION: Syracuse Marriott Downtown, Syracuse, NY
DEADLINE: November 8, 2024
Info & Submittal Form: https://tinyurl.com/3mc85p82
EVENT: Virtual Green Bag Lunch
TOPIC: “The Promise of Micron: Assuring that promised jobs materialize for CNY residents”
WHEN: November 8, 2024
TIME: 12:00 – 1:30 p.m.
Registration: https://tinyurl.com/56jtkht4 FREE! But you must be registered to attend.
EVENT: CCAA Monthly Member Event
WHEN: November 12, 2024
TIME: 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Fayetteville Library, Community Room, Fayettevilly, NY
TOPIC: “Renewable Energy, Efficiency, Sustainability: How Strategies for Economic Stability and National Security Can Also Cure Our Climate Ills”
Deeper Shade of Green. Introducing a new, local podcast exploring the issues affecting our planet, climate, and the impacts of a range of environmental issues on our communities. It seeks to engage the listener into action. Hosted by Dr. Chris Bolt, General Manager of WAER radio, you can follow it on social media for updates: @WAERNews on X; @waer883 on Instagram; @WAER88.3FM on Facebook
U.S. To Supercharge Battery Production With New $3 Billion Push – Inside EVs.The U.S. is behind China in ramping up battery production, but hopefully this funding push will help US manufacturers leap forward with battery innovation and production. It’s all IN THIS ARTICLE.
“PLUGGING IN” Podcast Update. Plugging In: Powering our Way to a Brighter and Healthier New York, is your biweekly guide to clean energy in the Empire State. In each 10-15 minute episode, the producers simplify complex energy topics, bust myths, and spotlight New York’s innovative sustainability efforts. TUNE IN to hear from experts, activists, and policymakers and explore how you can contribute to a greener future.
Medical Schools Around the World Are Expanding Their “Climate Change” Curriculum. The Climate-Health Link: Climate change is not just an ecological disaster; it’s a public health crisis, too. Sometimes, the health impacts of climate change can manifest themselves in obvious ways, like heat stress during a heat wave or injuries after a hurricane. Other times, the effects are more complex. So what does climate health education look like in medical school classrooms? TAKE A LOOK.
Want to go electric? Whether you’re a renter or a homeowner, fully committed or just curious about heat pumps and hot plates…Rewiring America is here to help YOU go electric! Visit this renter’s hub for ideas and resources on things you can do for better, electric living. For more information JUST GO TO THIS.
In Ithaca, Sustainable Finger Lakes recently hosted a party to celebrate their first 20 years of connecting, convening, and catalyzing around how to work and live more sustainably. To see where Ithaca was and is now is truly an uplifting story. You can read all about it when you CLICK HERE.
Canary Media – Clean energy journalism for a cooler future. A great newsletter and a great website.To sign up VISIT HERE.
CCAA members are encouraged to attend the monthly member meetings, either in person or via Zoom. Below is a schedule of upcoming presentations. Be sure to mark your calendars and plan to attend!
November 3, 2024 |
CCAA Board Meeting |
Virtual |
7:00-8:00pm |
November 12, 2024 |
Renewal Energy, Efficiency, Sustainability |
Fayetteville Library |
6:00-7:30pm |
December 1, 2024 |
CCAA Board Meeting |
Lorefice Home |
2:00-4:00pm |
December 10, 2024 |
Sustainable Strategies in Architecture |
Fayetteville Library |
6:00-7:30pm |
January 5, 2025 |
CCAA Board Meeting |
Virtual |
7:00-8:00pm |
January 14, 2025 |
Clean Transportation Opportunities |
Fayetteville Library |
6:00-7:30pm |
NOVEMBER: Join us at the Fayetteville Library on Tuesday, November 12th for a 6:00 p.m. presentation by EnergyWright Dale Sherman entitled “Renewable Energy, Efficiency, Sustainability: How Strategies for Economic Stability and National Security Can Also Cure Our Climate Ills.”
Dale has been an energy researcher and educator for 40 years in the fields of residential weatherization, commercial reconstruction and industrial efficiencies. Come see some hands-on demonstrations with helpful references and information on reasons to invest in home solar energy.
DECEMBER: Did you know that buildings are responsible for 42% of our carbon footprint? Join us on Tuesday, December 10th at 6:00 p.m. at the Fayetteville Library as licensed architect and SUNY Morrisville Professor Brian Kelly, Jr., AIA, NCARB, addresses the carbon footprint of building design, construction and construction materials.
His presentation is titled “Sustainable Strategies in Architecture.” You won’t want to miss this distinctly different approach to the climate question. Join us for an illuminating presentation on sustainable strategies to reduce the carbon footprint.
JANUARY: Transportation? How can we address ways to influence the effects of climate change? Come consider the options as Barry Carr, Coalition Director of Clean Communities of CNY tackles this issue head-on with his presentation “Clean Transportation Opportunities.”
Barry has been working with major utilities and fleets to develop alternative fuel infrastructure. Once again, we meet at the Fayetteville Library at 6:00 p.m. Mark your calendars for January 14th at 6:00 p.m.
NY Renews Youth Committee Opportunity NY Renews is a coalition of over 300 organizations fighting for climate justice in New York State. Currently, we’re focusing on a budget campaign demanding NY State invest $15 Billion in the budget this year for climate justice.
Within NY Renews, the Youth Committee is a space mostly for high school and college age individuals. We’re moving towards bi-weekly trainings followed by community organizing to support our campaigns. Joining the youth committee is a great opportunity to level up your organizing, learn about campaigning, and get involved in the climate justice movement.
We meet every other week with additional time on projects for those interested. If you are interested, please fill out the sign-up form so we can get more info about your interests and experiences (it’s not competitive). We would love to hear from you!
Here’s the form to sign up!
We encourage you to follow our social media accounts to support CCAA and stay up to date on other environmental news.
President: George Lorefice (loreficegj@gmail.com)
Vice President: Peter Wirth (pwirth2@verizon.net)
Treasurer: Dr. Sonia Kragh (sykragh@yahoo.com)
Carbon Challenge: Yvonne Chu
Education: Ken Johnson and Jim Doherty
Legislative: Jan Kublick
Membership: Ken Johnson
Micron: Yvonne Chu and Peter Wirth
Newsletter: Roseann Lorefice
Sustainability: Sonia Kragh
Newsletter Committee Publishing and Design: Yvonne Chu and Annalena Davis Editor: Roseann Lorefice
CCAA Interns: Andrea Hayman and Anna Montgomery
Technical Advisor: Gavin Landless
Copyright © 2024 Climate Change Awareness & Action, INC., all rights reserved.