CCAA Newsletter (Volume 4, Issue 5) E is for Environment and Education: A Call to Action!

Table of Contents

E is for Environment and Education: A Call to Action!
Enough Lion Around! Partying for the Planet at the Zoo
The Biden-Harris Action Plan for Schools
How Much Carbon Dioxide does my Car Release Anyway?
Revitalization of the Southwest Side of Onondaga Lake
Share your Climate Concerns
Action Station
News Bites
Upcoming Events

CCAA Newsletter (volume 3, issue 10) Burning Fossil Fuels for Bitcoin

If Greenidge is allowed to proceed, a precedent will have been established, and other investors will surely look at power stations for private operations that do nothing to help this country’s energy transition off fossil fuels. By way of contrast, China labelled bitcoin mining as “highly polluting” in 2019, and banned the practice entirely in September 2021.