Jerry Brown Signs California's Landmark Climate Bill Into Law
The law requires the state to produce half of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030. Jerry Brown Signs California’s Landmark Climate Bill Into Law
The law requires the state to produce half of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030. Jerry Brown Signs California’s Landmark Climate Bill Into Law
A Sea Change at the Palace Theater (2384 James St, Syracuse, NY 13206) is only six days away! With Advanced tickets selling quickly, this showing is looking to be a …
AIR TIME! Our very own Peter Wirth along with Sven Huseby (Main Character of A Sea Change) got the opportunity to do an interview with Ted and Amy on “Street …
As global average temperatures rise due to greenhouse gas emissions, the effects on the planet, such as melting ice caps, extreme weather, drought and rising sea levels, will threaten populations …
“Last year was the hottest on earth since record-keeping began in 1880”-NYT 2014 Breaks Heat Record, Challenging Global Warming Skeptics
“We believe every company, government and individual has a role to play. Climate change is a shared, global challenge that is best addressed at scale.” Source:General Mills Warns Climate Change …
Source: Buzz the Alarm: Climate Change Puts Squeeze on Bumblebees
Source: Tiny carbon-capturing motors may help tackle rising carbon dioxide levels — ScienceDaily
Syracuse, NY – Friday, Oct 16, 7:00 pm, the award winning climate change film, A Sea Change, ( will be shown at The Palace Theater, 2384 James St., Syracuse. A …