CCAA Newsletter Volume 4, Issue #10 We Did It! Proposal #1 Passed!

Volume 4, Issue #10
December, 2022

We Did It!
COP27: Climate Change and the Global Methane Pledge
The Onondaga County Aquarium: An Environmental Perspective
An Invitation for CCAA Members
Workshopping to Solve Climate Issues
New York Renews Launches the Climate, Jobs, and Justice Package (CJJP)
Switching to Induction Cooking Reduces Carbon Footprint
Book Review: The Ministry for the Future
Sustainability Tips
How Wildfires and Droughts Affect CNY
Musings on the Positive Side of Climate Change
Action Station
News Bites
Upcoming Events

CCAA Newsletter (Volume 4, Issue 6) Solutions are the Answer

Eco-Anxiety? Solutions Are The Answer. In this time of Covid, it is interesting to note the parallels between views on this virus and climate change. Despite scientific evidence and events that point to the deadliness of Covid and the effects of climate change, there is a core of people who deny both.

CCAA Newsletter (Volume 4, issue 2) CCAA Leadership Established

*Utilizing Big Data to Analyze Algal Blooms in the Finger Lakes
*Share your Climate Concerns
*Hope for Our Climate – Project Drawdown, Part 2
*Advocates Push Albany for Quick Rise in EV Sales
*First Fossil Fuel-Free Mixed Use Renovation in Syracuse
*CCAA Leadership Officially Established!
*Action Station, News Bites and Upcoming Events
*Spotlight – Scott Kushner