Volume 7, Issue 3 March 2025
- President’s Musings
- Announcements
- Articles
- Board Highlights
- Action Station
- News Bites
- Upcoming Events
- Member Meetings
- Volunteers Needed
- Follow Us
- Officers
Submitted by George Lorefice, CCAA President
Some good news to start. CCAA has successfully incorporated in NYS! We are now officially Climate Change Awareness and Action Incorporated, and we are working on a charitable designation in NYS. Hopefully, we will have that approved in the coming month. Then we are on to a federal designation as a 501(c)(3) organization. In other good news, we had a very information packed and well-illustrated presentation by Tim Volk, PhD on Bio Energy. If you missed it you can find the unedited presentation by clicking HERE.
Use Passcode: tQA@=5Uz
Image provided by Roseann Lorefice
There has been a lot going on in the climate arena in the past month and I have to say it has not been positive on the national front and for that matter, on the state level also.
I always try to look at the positive side of things by referring to Project Drawdown. All of their programs and news point to many advances being made in reducing our carbon footprint. But I have to say on the federal level, things are bleak. Where are the legislators, judges, clergy etc. speaking out, calling out these measures that will only desecrate our planet?
I guess it is up to us as individuals and organizations such as CCAA to write letters and emails to legislators and letters to the editor and to join other organizations to carry the torch (electric) for greenhouse gas reductions. We are the ones that need to push the message for the climate since we have been abandoned by many of our leaders due to their fear of losing their jobs. We need more officials like the Governor of Maine and one of its senators, and the Governor of Illinois who recently spoke truth to power.
As CCAA works toward a charitable nonprofit status on the state and federal level, we are restricted in supporting specific candidates and lobbying, but we can advocate for sound environmental policies that support our principles. You as members of CCAA know where we stand, and it becomes obvious as to which candidates for state and federal offices we would support.
Remember: the sun will rise again in the morning.
George Lorefice
Alert: With the mass firings and rampant cost cutting occurring in the federal government, one of the most significant and concerning is the downsizing of NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Few people know of its quiet but significant importance in our daily lives. This agency (among other contributions)
–monitors the oceans where storms roam affecting the safety of shipping
– monitors space, affecting the safety of flight
– provides services to the agricultural community which will soon begin its plantings
— provides daily weather reports of tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, wildfires
And the list goes on!! Its services and importance to safety and the economy cannot be overstated.
CCAA strongly encourages you to contact your local, state and federal representatives to protest this indiscriminate action by the current administration.
This newsletter reports monthly on the GreeningUSA bag lunches. If you are unable to tune into them, note that past recordings are always available on their YouTube channel: ! https://tinyurl.com/yyl4jh9a . Past topics included The Cap and Invest Program in NYS, The Promise of Micron, Coalition Building for Sustainable Communities, and many others.
CCAA has committed to several Earth Day tabling events and plans to participate in more, but we do need volunteer support. These events allow us to get climate change information and actions out to the Central New York public. If you can volunteer to help CCAA during any of those days or times, please contact Ken Johnson at kmjohnson717@msn.com
Saturday, April 26 : Pompey Earth Day 9a.m. – noon and the Novelis Party For The Planet (Rosamond Gifford Zoo) 9 a.m. -12:30 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Sunday, April 27 : Cazenovia Earth Day 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Sunday, May 18: Town of Manlius Earthfest at Green Lakes State Park 12:00 p.m. -3:00 p.m.
Every other Thursday, there is a new episode of WAER’s environmental podcast Deeper Shade of Green. Recent episodes include “De-carbonizing one of the largest sources of climate emissions – buildings” in which Monique Owens, Regional Director of U.S. Green Building Council, discusses the Green Building movement and policies and regulations that can make our homes and buildings cleaner and healthier. Check it out on this link.
The second episode furthers the Green Building conversation by delving into heat pumps and geothermal heat as ways to heat and cool homes and buildings while also reducing carbon emissions. With expert insight by Ian Shapiro, Associate Director of Building Science and Community Programs with the Syracuse Center of Excellence in Environmental Systems, the discussion focuses on cleaner alternatives to gas heating while also touching on the importance of the NY HEAT Act. The episode can be streamed here. “
CCAA Board Members Jan Kublick and Sonia Kragh have been appointed as our representative on the Micron Advisory Committee. If you have any questions regarding what’s happening with Micron, feel free to contact them: jan.kublick@gmail.com and sykragh@yahoo.com
Interested in helping the transition off of fossil fuels in Central New York! CCAA’s mission is to encourage the community: individuals, corporations, municipalities…. to transition off fossil fuels. We work on educating the public about new technologies such as: electric heat pumps, solar PV for homes, induction (electric) stoves. We work with municipalities to develop public policy and state legislators to aid in the transition off fossil fuels.
Given that almost all activities from manufacturing, transportation, heating and cooking are based on fossil fuel consumption, this transition will take decades. It will require a cultural shift in values and at the same time there is a sense of urgency.
We need volunteers with a variety of skills to help out such as:
* Writing articles
* Using social media to get our message to a wider audience
* Producing audio visual presentations
* Event planning
* Newsletter development
* Web site development
* Graphic art skills
* Fundraising
Your efforts will be helping secure a better future for all. For more information contact Peter Wirth, pwirth2@verizon.net or call 315-476-3396.
Flash: On March 21, 2025, Citizens Action of New York is holding a Press Conference in front of the State Office Building in Syracuse, NY., from 10 a.m. – 11 a.m.
CCAA is co-sponsoring this to focus on Governor Hochul’s failure to follow through on the Cap and Invest legislation that was approved by the legislature. You can register to attend this event by clicking HERE.
Submitted by Jan Kublick, CCAA Legislative Chair (jan.kublick@gmail.com)
The Federal Administration is committed to protecting the fossil fuel industry and using every tool it can to deny the existence and importance of climate change. The outcome: climate change will happen faster, and the world’s economies, nature, and human civilization will suffer the consequences.
CCAA is committed to supporting the climate and clean energy initiatives of NY, despite opposition from the Administration, Congress, and the fossil fuel industry. Clean energy lowers air pollution, creates a new generation of jobs, and slows climate change. Wind, sun, and heat from the earth, are renewable sources of energy. Fossil fuels are not.
Since 2019, NY has been a national leader in its goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but the fossil fuel industry is making inroads in NY. Only one significant climate bill, the Superfund Act, was signed into law last legislative session.
CCAA strongly supports resolute and ambitious climate action in New York. We support one bill in particular: the HEAT Act, which passed both the Senate and the Assembly last session but was not signed by the Governor. This bill would end subsidies for the gas industry in New York and will accelerate the transition away from gas. It must pass again this legislative session.
Governor Hochul has a legal mandate to implement (by January of 2025) Cap and Invest, a program to place a price on carbon pollution to be paid by producers of the pollution, generating revenue to fund renewable energy programs and lower energy bills for low- and moderate-income New Yorkers. She has postponed implementing this mandate, even though draft regulations are ready to go. Pressure must be applied to encourage her to follow through with the legal mandate in a timely manner.
Call your state representatives to express your support for these climate actions and concern for NY’s slowdown on climate initiatives. Share your concerns about climate with others. New York’s support for progress on climate initiatives demonstrates what can and must be done in the face of hostility from the fossil fuel industry and the Federal Administration supporting it.
Cap and Invest: Release the Regs and Make Polluters Pay
Submitted by Ethan Gormley (egormley@citizenactionny.org)
Image provided by Ethan Gormley
On Tuesday, February 18, Citizen Action of New York and Citizens’ Climate Lobby CNY hosted a teach-in on the Cap and Invest program. Cap and Invest is one of the state’s most promising programs for climate funding because it cuts toxic pollution, holds polluting corporations accountable, and would be a substantial, ongoing source of investment for climate action.
Unfortunately, Governor Kathy Hochul has delayed the program by suppressing the draft regulations from NYSERDA. Going forward, climate activists working with Citizen Action and CCL will advocate for NYS to release the regs and get this program back on track.
Want to join the effort through lobbying, grassroots advocacy, and/or engaging the media? Contact Ethan at egormley@citizenactionny.org.
Meet Van, Our New Treasurer
Image provided by Van Cleary-Hammarstedt
CCAA is pleased to welcome Van Cleary-Hammarstedt to our Board of Directors as its treasurer. Having grown up in northern Minnesota on the outdoor hockey rinks, he is well connected to the environmental scene. With a background and work experience in social justice causes, he brings a special awareness to our effort. Having a PhD from Maxwell allowed him to also be a part of academia teaching college courses. As a recent retiree, he is taking advantage of spending more time with his favorite pursuits –hiking at Green Lakes, playing his guitar writing his own songs, and traveling. He believes climate change is an existential crisis, and his favorite saying is: “They thought they could bury us, but they didn’t know we were seeds.”
Happy to have you onboard, Van!
Climate Change Threatens Beehive Health
Submitted by Kiran Hubbard, CCAA Intern (khubba03@syr.edu)
Increasingly heavy rainfall and temperature fluctuations in New York State risk the productivity and survival of commercial beehives, according to Sunswick Farm Head Beekeeper Brooks Mullahy.
Sunswick Farm has been a fixture of the Upstate area since Mullahy purchased a set of hives in 2016. Having an interest in the animals since she worked as a backyard beekeeper 40 years ago, Mullahy and her sister Tracy currently manage up to 200 hives and sell their variety of honeys at the Syracuse Regional Market nearly every Saturday.
Tending to an apiary is a constantly evolving process that never truly stabilizes, which has only been exacerbated by the effects of climate change in recent years. “My sister and I call ourselves ‘the Queens of Punting,’ because we’re always having to change course,” Mullahy said. “If I’m not continuing to learn while everything around me is changing, then my bees aren’t going to survive.”
Image provided by Kiran Hubbard
As intense rain events become more common in the spring and summer, there are a greater number of instances where the nectar and pollen are washed away from plants. This severely depletes the food sources of the bees, weakening their immune systems and degrading the quality of the honey they produce.
Climate change-induced unpredictability in winter conditions also negatively affect the bees by altering moisture levels within the hive. “When you have really serious fluctuating temperatures in the honey, the honey stores are sweating, then freezing and sweating and freezing,” Mullahy said. “If there aren’t enough bees, then what happens is they get wet and die.”
The farm has implemented several strategies to prepare for the continuance of climate change, including installing burlap fences to protect hives from extreme winds. “The future is very uncertain, and we’re just going into every season and loving the bees, and taking care of the bees, and hoping that they do okay,” Mullahy said.
Twenty-First Annual Symposium on Energy in the 21st Century
Submitted by Rhea Jezer (rjezer@gmail.com)
The Twenty First Symposium on Energy in the 21st Century will be held on April 4, 2025, in Syracuse. This Symposium will once more include the top experts to help us achieve a clear path toward a healthy world through renewable energy. The morning sessions will be dedicated to covering the future of large-scale renewable energy, mainly thermal, wind and solar. Among those joining Anthony Lopez will be DONOVAN GORDON, the Director of Community Thermal Networks at NYSERDA. ED NADEAU, Chief Executive officer and Business Manager of Plumbers and Steamfitters Local.
Registration includes breakfast & lunch. In person space is limited. The program begins at 8am and ends at 2:00pm. It is held at the Gateway Building, SUNY ESF, Syracuse. Parking is accessible and free. Space is limited so register soon.
The luncheon program will be an important discussion by leaders in the environmental movement covering “How Does the Environmental Movement Move Forward Now”. A panel of experts will discuss ideas and plans. The panel will include JULIE TIGHE, NYLCV, MARGUERITE WELLS, ACE NY, ROGER DOWNS, Sierra Club, and other leading environmentalists. This will be a very important discussion. We invite you to register.
Support CCAA…Purchase A T-shirt!
Photo provided by Michael Lorefice
It’s official!! You can now show your support for CCAA and for renewable energy by ordering your very own CCAA t shirt!. It’s easy.., just CLICK HERE and place your order!
Discussion on monthly member meeting speakers for February and March
Final CCAA T shirt design and color presented to Board and approved for purchase
Success announced: we are officially incorporated as Climate Change Awareness and Action Inc. Hooray!!!
Education Committee focused on arranging tabling for upcoming events
Twelve new members!
Newsletter intern Andrea Hayman has been doing a great job and will train Kiran Hubbard as a backup
Discussion on what other groups CCAA could partner with
21st Annual Symposium on Energy in April; could someone go?
Discussion on having a separate meeting to talk about energy sources
Discussion on following by-laws for board elections
EVENT: Virtual Green Bag Lunch
WHEN: March 14, 2025
TIME: 12:00 – 1:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Virtual/must register
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/green-bag-lunch-micron-deis-tickets-1256621922999?aff=oddtdtcreator
EVENT: EARTH DAY litter clean-up
WHEN: April 25 and April 26, 2025
TIME: Pick your own time.
LOCATION: Pick your own location.
Volunteer alone or with a group…Your choice!!!
ORGANIZATION: Live Space Entertainment
EVENT: The Effects of Gravity (a multi-media presentation about science, earth and climate change)
WHEN: April 26, 2025
TIME: 8 p.m. and Cost: $25
LOCATION: Homer Center for the Arts, Homer, NY
Social Media Study. Take note that a recent study by Mongabay (an American conservation news web portal that reports heavily on environmental issues) found that fossil fuel, plastic, and agrichemical companies coordinate social media on climate change. It’s documented in THIS ARTICLE.
The recent firings at NOAA have prompted noted environmentalist Bill McKibben to direct his recent writings to the implications of this event on a larger scale than imagined. Please check it out HERE and consider subscribing on your own.
Resources for Climate Concern
In view of actions being taken on the federal level, we are sharing the following FREE sources with information on climate and renewable energy. Share these with friends who are as concerned as you.
Outrage and Optimism: a weekly podcast that discusses both a selected topic and recent events. Delightful trio of hosts with deep experience in climate, with a worldwide perspective. The title captures the tone. Outrageandoptimism.org
Yale Climate Connections: provides frequent reports from studies and surveys about attitudes and understanding of climate change. Mostly aimed at understanding American views, it has been surveying these topics for more than a decade. Climatechange@yale.edu
Volts: have an interest in the Energy Transition? David Roberts puts out a weekly deep dive into all aspects of the topic, one interview at a time. It often runs more than an hour, so look to see what the topic is, and follow your interests. Www.volts.wtf (that is not a typo)
The Crucial Years: Author, climate columnist for the New Yorker, and perhaps America’s most effective climate journalist and activist, the founder of 350.org and Third Act, McKibben’s The Crucial Years is a weekly column of both current climate events and his perspective on them. (Search for McKibben the Crucial Years. He publishes on Substack, but you can subscribe directly.)
Third Act: is an organization founded by McKibben for people over 60 to get information, take action and organize at a national level. Free membership. ThirdAct.org
Environmental Voter Project: wonderful non-partisan not for profit group. It uses data to locate nonvoters who would support environmental and climate causes if they did vote, then contacts them to encourage them to vote in any election, year around. The organization operates in 21 states year around and has 6 million targeted nonvoters. Its goal is to create a political voting block for climate. Well worth investigation and support. Its founder did a wonderful webinar for CCAA several years ago. (Info@environmentalvoter.org )
Photo provided by Sonia Kragh
CCAA members are encouraged to attend the monthly member meetings, either in person or via Zoom. Below is a schedule of upcoming presentations. Be sure to mark your calendars and plan to attend!
March 2, 2025 |
CCAA Board Meeting |
Virtual |
7:00-8:00 p.m.
March 11, 2025 |
All About Heat Pumps |
Zoom Meeting |
6:00-8:30 p.m. |
April 6, 2025 |
CCAA Board Meeting |
Virtual |
7:00-8:30 p.m.
April 26, 2025 |
Earth Day |
Pompey Town Hall
Pompey, NY
10:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. |
April 26, 2025 |
Party for the Planet |
Rosamond Gifford Zoo
Syracuse, NY
10:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. |
April 27, 2025 |
Earth Day Celebration
Sponsored by UCAN
Cazenovia, NY |
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. |
May 18, 2025 |
Earth Day Celebration
Sponsored by Town of Manlius
Green Lakes St. Park |
9:00 a.m. -4:00 p.m. |
May 4, 2025 |
CCAA Board Meeting |
Virtual |
7:00-8:30 p.m.
Photo provided by Roseann Lorefice
On February 11, Dr. Timothy Volk, Professor and Associate Chair in the Department of Sustainable Resources at SUNY ESF, gave an illuminative presentation on a renewable and sustainable energy source produced right here in Central New York. Citing biomass in the U.S. energy supply as the single largest source of renewable energy, he then discussed energy consumption in the U.S. and how much of the energy produced is actually consumed and how much is wasted. He then proceeded to discuss ESF’s efforts to grow and harvest willow biomass for energy production and other uses here in Central New York. . The speed of growth of the willow makes it an ideal biomass source to be used. His excellent graphics were useful in illustrating his talking points.
Did you miss this presentation? Watch it HERE.
Passcode: tQA@=5Uz
And you can also access excellent coverage of this by referring to the February 26, 2025, issue of The Eagle Bulletin in an article written by Jason Klaiber. You can access the article with this LINK.
On March 11, once again at the Fayetteville Library from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Dr. Ian Shapiro, Associate Director of Building Science and Community Programs at Syracuse University, will address the topic of heat pumps. A recognized authority in the field, his presentation will be both academic and personal since he has had one in his home for the past five years. The meeting is in person or on Zoom and you can access it RIGHT HERE.
APRIL IS EARTH MONTH. There are numerous climate organizations across Central New York that are sponsoring educational and fun activities. Check out our Upcoming Events to follow along.
MAY and JUNE Member Meetings are in the planning stage and could include field trips to willow growing areas, tours of solar displays as well as tours of buildings using no fossil fuels. Stay tuned!!
NY Renews Youth Committee Opportunity NY Renews is a coalition of over 300 organizations fighting for climate justice in New York State. Currently, we’re focusing on a budget campaign demanding NY State invest $15 Billion in the budget this year for climate justice.
Within NY Renews, the Youth Committee is a space mostly for high school and college age individuals. We’re moving towards bi-weekly trainings followed by community organizing to support our campaigns. Joining the youth committee is a great opportunity to level up your organizing, learn about campaigning, and get involved in the climate justice movement.
We meet every other week with additional time on projects for those interested. If you are interested, please fill out the sign-up form so we can get more info about your interests and experiences (it’s not competitive). We would love to hear from you!
Here’s the form to sign up!
We encourage you to follow our social media accounts to support CCAA and stay up to date on other environmental news.
President: George Lorefice (loreficegj@gmail.com)
Vice President: Peter Wirth (pwirth2@verizon.net)
Secretary: Reena Tretler (reena.tretler@gmail.com)
Treasurer: Van Cleary Hammarstedt (vanjonch@gmail.com)
Carbon Challenge: Yvonne Chu
Education: Ken Johnson and Jim Doherty
Legislative: Jan Kublick
Membership: Ken Johnson
Micron: Jan Kublick and Sonia Kragh
Newsletter: Roseann Lorefice
Sustainability: Sonia Kragh
Newsletter Committee Publishing and Design: Yvonne Chu and Annalena Davis Editor: Roseann Lorefice
CCAA Interns: Andrea Hayman and Kiran Hubbard
Technical Advisor: Gavin Landless
Copyright © 2025 Climate Change Awareness & Action, INC., all rights reserved.