<h1 style="text-align: center;">RISE</h1> <h3 style="text-align: center;">FOR CLIMATE JOBS AND JUSTICE</h3> <h3 style="text-align: center;">September 8th, 2018 | Syracuse NY</h3> <p style="text-align: center;"></p>
On September 8, 2018 thousands of rallies in cities and towns around the world will demand our local leaders commit to building a fossil free world that puts people and justice before profits. No more stalling, no more delays: it’s time for a fast and fair transition to 100% renewable energy for all. Real climate leadership rises from below. It means power in the hands of people not corporations. It means economic opportunity for workers and justice and dignity for frontline communities that are the hardest hit by the impacts of the fossil fuel industry and a warming world. This September, cities, states, businesses and civil society from around the world are gathering in California for the Global Climate Action Summit (Sept.12-14). The Summit has invited every mayor, governor, and local leader in the world to make a bold climate commitment to help the world reach the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. We know what those commitments need to achieve: a fast, fair and just transition to 100% renewable energy and an immediate end to new fossil fuel projects.
First floor of the DeWitt Town Hall 5400 Butternut Dr, East Syracuse, NY 13057 <a href="https://goo.gl/maps/c94uKEcNWqE2" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://goo.gl/maps/c94uKEcNWqE2</a>Speakers
<p>Samuel Gordon- Director of Planning and Zoning for the Town of Dewitt</p> <p>Jim D'Aloisio- Engineer</p> <p>Peter Cannavo- Associate Professor of Government and Environmental Studies, Hamilton College</p> <p>Yvonne Chu- CCAA Member</p>Enjoy
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<h5><strong>Register to Vote</strong></h5> <a href="https://www.ny.gov/services/register-vote">www.ny.gov/services/register-vote</a> <strong>|</strong> Voter registration deadlines: <a href="https://www.elections.ny.gov/votingdeadlines.html">www.elections.ny.gov/votingdeadlines</a> <h5><strong>Get Involved</strong></h5> Join <a href="https://wordpress.us11.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=92acd5c53e30665336f45f659&id=3101fe2696">CCAA Mailing list</a> <strong>|</strong> Come to a CCAA Meeting! Send an email to <a href="mailto:cc.awareness.action@gmail.com">cc.awareness.action@gmail.com </a>and let us know you want to volunteer<strong> |</strong> Find other local groups that fits for you. Many of our members are involved with multiple groups. Ask us about those groups and find the best fit for you. <h5><strong>Write and Call</strong></h5> Have a lot to say? Consider writing and Letter to the Editor and sending it to a media source.<strong> |</strong> Call and write to your representatives and let them know how you feel about climate change, climate justice, and climate jobs.Future Events
<p>[calendar id="1004"]</p>"Until the public demands otherwise, the policy makers will continue to serve their financiers."- James Hansen
We are at a tipping point. 2020 is a threshold for meeting global targets to tackle the climate crisis. We are fast running out of time to act, but meaningful action from national governments has been slow at best. With climate impacts escalating — we don’t have the luxury to wait to see what bureaucratic negotiations have to offer. We need our local leaders to step up and do everything they can right now to stop the fossil fuel industry and build 100% renewable energy for all.